Playa Naranjo to Paquera Road
The distance from Playa Naranjo to Paquera Costa Rica is 26 km, as well this is the direct connection between the provinces of Guanacaste and Puntarenas and The are No direct bus connecting Naranjo to Paquera.
From Naranjo to Tambor is 48 km and 62 km to Cobano.
The northern Gulf of Nicoya includes Samara, Nosara, Tamarindo, Playa Negra, and Playa Grande.
Playa Naranjo area
Playa Naranjo is not just an abandoned gas station or the road to the ferry, but there are some good hotels here, and of course the Small and Sandy Beach of Naranjo and the shade of trees squat, besides is near the Karen Mogensen Reserve, it has as well a river, swimming pools, and a waterfall. Some Naranjo activities are horseback riding and water-based tours.
Heading to Paquera, Playa Blanca
3km south of Naranjo, heading to Paquera, a side road to the left takes to Playa Blanca with White Coral & sand turquoise waters very nice for Snorkel or swim on a relax waters.
Besides its great place to enjoy the view of the Isla Pan de Azucar also known as Sugarhat Island or Isla Zopilote and also the famous Prison Colony Island San Lucas.
Bahia Gigante
Bahia Gigante, a bay of sand growing, which is good for a rest and a snack on the beach. 400 m offshore is Isla Gitana in prehistoric times had been an island cemetery.
Bahia Gigante Gitana Island protects the Bahia Gigante and adjacent Bahia Luminosa, making them a safe place to anchor and picturesque sailboats.
Beach Pajaros at Rio Grande Paquera
Playa Parajos Is just 7km to Paquera, It’s Especially for relaxing and swimming under the old huge trees while enjoying the great view, is a small beach.
Paquera Town
Ones you have to arrive in Paquera you will find supermarkets, ATM’s, Gas Station and hotels as well cabins there are many activities to do in Paquera as Curu Wildlife Reserve, which is only 5 km. also you can take a boat tour and go snorkeling or diving at Turtle Islands.
Playa Organos Paquera
3 kilometers outside the Paquera is the terminal of the ferry to Puntarenas. On the way to the ferry terminal to the right path is the Organos beach, a quiet bay with a gray sandy beach a wide, surrounded by jungle. The bay is safe for swimming, with a nice view of Turtle Islands.
Southern Nicoya Peninsula Main Beaches are: Playa Pajaros, Paquera Organo Beach , Cobano, Playa Tambor – Tango Mar Beach – Playa Cocolito – Playa Grande- Piedra colorada- Playa Montezuma – Las Manchas – Las Rocas – Playa los Cedros – Playa Cabuya – Playa cabo Blanco – Playa los Suecos – Playa Carmen – Playa Santa Teresa – Playa Hermosa – Playa Manzanillo .