Located at :San Gabriel Turubares
Land: 68000 m2
Sales Price: US$95,000
The Property has two access one is from the enter of Villalapas, the other is from the enter of Vijagual with is just passing Jaco Beach and Playa Hermosa.
Internal street crossing the property which is private and was done a few months ago.
Public street is on the left site of the property passing the whole land.
Public service are not passing this property yet, but are one kilometer far from property, armaments can be done do add the public service to this property.
This is a great opportunity for a green proyect, ecotourist or to live in touch with the nature.
The value is this property will increase shortly due to the following protects.
This property is just one hour an 10 minutes from Orotina, there are big projects coming to Orotina including The new mega airport “Orotina International Airport”, and also to build the biggest Free Zones call “the Central America Silicon Valley”: